Unopposed estrogen, what it is, and how it might be a contributor

Several years ago, I began to notice that the majority of women I knew had chronic and undiagnosed health issues. As I considered the different people in my life who had health issues that were affecting their everyday life- what they could eat, energy, and ability to participate in everyday activities- the vast majority were women.

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Suboptimal gastrointestinal health may be causing your mental health illness

I remember when I first recognized the association of what I ate and my mood. Most people I shared this with thought this was a crazy notion. But what does research say? There are various health conditions that impact people’s personality and overall mental health that have been associated with dysbiosis, which is a bacterial imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract that often gives people symptoms of maldigestion, fatigue, and skin manifestations. Some conditions that dysbiosis is known to contribute to are anxiety, depression, bipolar, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, and celiac disease.  

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